Publicize FAQs

Interested in learning more about PR For Growth, PR For Startups, or Publicize’s PR services? Check out, and download, Publicize’s FAQs here!

Who is Publicize? icon faq

What is PR For Growth? icon faq

What is our company culture? icon faq

What is our purpose? icon faq


What are the different Publicize PR packages? icon faq

What are tactics? icon faq

What is the difference between a business goal and PR goal? icon faq

How do we structure our contracts? icon faq

What size should my business be before investing in PR? icon faq

How do you guarantee results? icon faq

When do I see PR results? icon faq

Do you have case studies? icon faq

Our PR Tactics

What are the PR tactics included in each package? icon faq

Who is the owner of the content you produce? icon faq

Why is it important to have a baseline of work? icon faq

Why are there only long term strategies? icon faq

How do I get results in major publications? icon faq

How we work

What team do I get when I sign up? icon faq

Who are the Publicize Account Managers? icon faq

What is the Publicize Dashboard? icon faq


What if I don’t have the budget right now? icon faq

What’s included in Publicize’s PR assessment? icon faq

Where can I find free PR resources? icon faq